Benefits of losing weight

You sleep better in general.  According to the American Heart Association, losing weight impacts your hormones and immune system. On the flip side, you'll get better shut-eye with weight loss. "In a study conducted at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, participants who had lost an average of 15 pounds show improvement in sleep quality," Dr. Shane says. "In actuality, a reduction in belly fat was the best predictor of improved sleep." Additionally, you'll stop snoring as much--and snoring isn't just an annoyance to your partner but a mark of unhealthy sleep. "Snoring is in part brought on by the sum of tissue around the throat," Dr. Shane says. "When you shed weight, that reduces the amount of tissue in your neck, which can diminish snoring."

 You can lower inflammation.  Weight loss decreases depression and anxiety. In overweight people, inflammation can get out of control, which increases insulin resistance and your risk for heart disease, cancer, arthritis, and even Alzheimer's disease. "Excessive body fat, especially when it's located around the abdomen, is strongly linked to inflammation," Dr. Webster says. Adipose fat tissue discharges inflammation-causing molecules, but the markers of inflammation go down with even a 5 or 10 percent reduction in body weight, she says. 

You lower blood pressure.  Little as five to ten pounds of weight loss in overweight people may help lower blood pressure. With additional fat, your body has to work harder to pump blood, damaging blood vessels and hardening the arteries. "Being overweight additionally raises the body's requirement for oxygen and raises blood circulation," says Ali Webster, PhD, RD, associate director of nutrition communications for the International Food Information Council Foundation. 

You have more energy.  When it's doing its job properly, inflammation in the body gives you more energy to keep going. "Only a 5% drop in fat can reduce blood glucose levels, and blood pressure also enhance sleep quality, all of which increase energy," Sass says. Since your body is not functioning as hard, you'll have more resources to perform more healthy activities. And at a positive habit, that first bit of extra energy will make changes you're making stop seeming like such a chore. "If you have more energy, you're more likely to feel motivated to be active and make healthier choices," Sass says. Exercise has also been demonstrated to increase energy levels. 

You reduce your sleep apnea risk.  Beyond lowering blood pressure, losing some pounds improves Sleep apnea. In apnea, you stop breathing during sleep. "A lady's perception In a vicious cycle, lack of sleep could be making you Even if you start slow, each bit of weight you lose will sleep, is linked with being overweight or obese. "Sleep apnea is also due, in part, when extra tissue accumulates around the upper airway, which can change its shape and make the throat more likely to collapse during sleep," says sleep expert Richard Shane, Ph.D., creator of Sleep Easy Method. In 1 study, 88 percent of people who lost 33 or more pounds were effectively cured. According to Harvard Medical School, losing just 10 percent of your body weight can drastically reduce sleep apnea symptoms--and in some cases, weight loss can even cure the condition. 

You lower diabetes risk. Experts agree that if you are even dropping just a few pounds can significantly impact your overall health. "You receive a sizable bang for the buck' using just a 5% weight reduction," says Samuel Klein, MD, professor of medicine and nutritional science, and director of the Center for Human Nutrition at Washington University School of Medicine. To get a 200-pound individual, that's just 10 pounds--but losing it takes an enormous strain off your body. Dr. Klein's research reveals one of many boons is reduced diabetes risk, a condition marked by high blood sugar. "The favorable effects include diminished body fat, intra-abdominal fat, and liver fat and increased insulin sensitivity in liver, muscle, and fat tissues," he says. Since the body needs insulin to consume and utilize blood glucose levels, better insulin sensitivity means better blood sugar control. 

You lower your cancer risk.  Getting weight loss surgery has undergone considerable improvement in appetite; losing weight can seem like an overwhelming undertaking, but factors that regulate cell growth--all of which are tied to cancer risk. That is the reason being overweight or fat may boost your odds of finding the disease. "The connection between cancer and fat is complicated, and several different mechanisms are involved," Dr. Webster says. "According to research by the American Cancer Society, excess body weight is thought to be responsible for about 8 percent of all cancers in the United States, as well as about 7 percent of all cancer deaths."

 You relieve pressure on your joints. With overweight, you are at risk for osteoarthritis or wear and tear on your joints. "The weight that is about a combined, the more likely it is to wear down and be damaged," Dr. Webster says. "For instance, for every pound of excess weight, four additional pounds of pressure is exerted on our knees--so if someone is carrying around 20 pounds of excess weight, that's an additional 80 pounds of stress on the knees." Losing excess weight lessens the quantity of strain on your joints and also reduces the chance of arthritis growth.   Your heart health improves.  Research demonstrates that a moderate 5% fat loss in people with obesity has significant health benefits by concurrently enhancing metabolic functioning in several organ systems and diminishing other risk factors for cardiovascular disease, including plasma triglyceride concentration Dr. Klein says. Obesity is also linked to elevated "bad" LDL cholesterol and reduced"good" HDL cholesterol,'' Dr. Webster says. "Each of them are risk factors for cardiovascular disease, a group of conditions that includes coronary artery disease, heart attacks, and strokes," she says.

Your sex drive will ramp up.

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